Challenges :
- Digitalisation / Use of big data
- Laboratory layout, Ergonomics
- Sustainable development, CSR, more 'responsible' practices
Target users: Managers, researchers, technicians. The target markets are scientific laboratories in general and analytical science laboratories in particular.
Climate issues are now impossible to ignore. Today, it is common practice to monitor water and energy consumption at home in order to consume as little as possible (for financial reasons and/or to save money). However, this is less obvious in laboratories, and monitoring tools specific to the uses of analytical chemistry were non-existent. This is the raison d'être of Consolab, a tool enabling laboratories to monitor and reduce their contribution to climate change through their consumption and activities.
Consolab is a web application that can now be used to:
-Track the laboratory's electricity consumption by instrument/station and convert this data into kgCO2eq
-Track water consumption and convert this data into kgCO2eq
- Set consumption targets and customise laboratory trajectories
Detailed graphs are generated automatically to monitor consumption and identify the items that consume the most so that an action plan can be put in place to reduce the laboratory's GHG emissions.
These data (values or graphs) can be exported to enable laboratories to track their commitments and efforts to comply with the increasing requirements of legislation in terms of reducing GHG emissions.
Consolab is one of the tools provided by LABO DURABLE, which is heavily involved in the development of metrics for scientifically measuring the environmental impact of laboratory activities and then proposing reliable solutions for reducing it...